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This promise is inferred from Santa Ana’s letter of Dec. 20, 1751. 124 Texas Historical Association Quarterly. Despite the assurance given to Dolores by Gon- Zales, this transfer of the previous led very speedily to a politely worded, however none the much less spirited dispute between the 2. In the competition that attended the dispute, Espiritu Santo had decidedly the advantage of geographical place. The.Cu janes had been happy with the evidence of perfect will or higher, maybe, with the professionals- pick of more gifts and, without awaiting the arrival of the promised minister, fifty-four adults 1 set out for San Antonio to confer with Dolores. When on April eight they reached the neighborhood of Santa Dorotea or New Bahia, they had been seen by some mission In- dians.
These warned Captain Piszina that hostile Cujanes were nearby, killing mission cattle. A squadron of soldiers and Indians was accordingly despatched out, and the Cujanes, after a slight show of combat, have been taken to the presidio, and right here they remained, notwithstanding their previous intention to go to San Antonio. 2 Gon- Zales and Piszina claimed that the Cujanes were advised that they may proceed their journey, that no pressure was used to keep them at Bahia, and that it was only with misgivings and after deliberation that their request to be allowed to stay at the mission was granted. 3 However, Queens New York Dolores believed that if not drive, then persuasion had been used to rob him of the fruits of his efforts.